June 23, 2014


Dear Readers,

The Richmond Journal of Law and Technology is proud to present its third issue of the 2013-2014 academic year. First published in 1995, JOLT is the world’s first exclusively online law review. JOLT strives to discuss new and emerging issues that fall squarely at the intersection of technology and the law. With this goal in mind, we are proud to announce the publication of the following articles.

In our first article, “Grounding Drones: Big Brother’s Tool Box Needs Regulation Not Elimination,” Professor Melanie Reid explores the constitutionality of drone use by law enforcement. Professor Reid describes present and anticipated uses of drones and details current legislation along with legislative and regulatory trends. She argues that legislators are mistaken in believing that drone use needs to require probable cause and a search warrant. She notes that the global community has a diminished expectation of privacy as a result of its own actions, and posits that the analysis should focus more on the reasonableness of law enforcement’s use of an investigatory tool such as drones without a warrant.

In our second article, “The Tangled Web: A Case Against New Generic Top-Level Domains,” Joseph P. Smith III examines the impact of introducing new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to the Internet. Smith discusses ICANN’s current effort to add potentially thousands of new gTLDs and details the legal and financial implications of introducing new gTLDs. After cautioning about potential dangers, he proposes three potential remedial measures that can alleviate concerns related to such dangers.

In the final article, “Cyborgs in the Courtroom: The Use of Google Glass Recording in Litigation,” Kristin Bergman analyzes potential changes in the landscape of litigation by looking through the lenses of Google Glasses and similar wearable computer devices. Bergman describes the features of Google Glasses and similar devices, and notes the potential utility and advantages of such devices in litigation. She details how recordings made with wearable devices could be introduced at trial, as well as potential legal obstacles. Finally, she concludes by calling on lawyers, technologists, and judges to take an open-minded approach to exploring both the benefits and potential privacy concerns related with this developing technology.

On behalf of the entire 2013-2014 JOLT staff, I want to thank you for your continued readership and contribution to the discussion of these highly relevant topics. JOLT also appreciates the continuing support from the University of Richmond School of Law community, particularly the guidance we receive from our faculty advisors, Professors Chris Cotropia and Jim Gibson.

As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome at jolt.richmond.edu.


Best Regards,

Benjamin R. Fox


Volume XX


9. Grounding Drones: Big Brother’s Tool Box Needs Regulation Not Elimination by Melanie Reid

10. The Tangled Web: A Case Against New Generic Top-Level Domains by Joseph P. Smith III

11. Cyborgs in the Courtroom: The Use of Google Glass Recordings in Litigation by Kristin Bergman