Richmond Journal of Law &Technology

Self Incrimination and Cryptographic Keys

by Greg S. Sergienko

Related Browsing

Know of a site that should be listed here? Send e-mail to and give us the URL and a brief desrciption of the site.

General Cryptography Information

Cryptography Archive
On the Cryptography Homepage.
Applied Cryptography
by Bruce Schneier - Laymans Bible of Modern Cryptography.
Cryptography Discussion
This is a general discussion of cryptography in a non-computer context.
Cypherpunks Archives
Archive of the Cypherpunks newsgroup.
NetSurfer Focus on Cryptography
The International PGP Home Page
PGP Discussion
This page discusses the ways that encryption keys are distributed under PGP. It also discusses the "central clearinghouse" concept of PGP.
Keyless Encryption Method

Cryptography Regulation

Mark Eckenwiler's Column
Further discussion on Cryptography and Self Incrimination.
Cyber Rant
This is an article on why cryptography should not be regulated.
Resolving the Encryption Dilemna: The Case for Clipper
A discussion of the Clipper chip and its use to encode information.
Association for Computing Machinery, U.S. Public Policy Committee
Press Release urging the White House to withdraw the controversial Clipper Chip encryption proposal.
Cyberwire Dispatch
Concerning possible FBI plans to push for legislation for FBI access to all encrypted information.
Cryptography: Privacy Maker or Criminal Creator
By Kevin Craine
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Copyright 1999 Richmond Journal of Law & Technology