Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc.:

Patent Construction Is Within The Exclusive Province Of The Court Under
The Seventh Amendment

By Sue Ann Mota

Related Browsing

United States - Role of Judge and Jury in Construing Patent Cases (This cites contains a newsletter from Ladas & Perry, IP.)

The Patent Examiner - Patent Courts and Cases (This site contains summaries of recent patent cases as well as links to the cases themselves.)

The Journal of Intellectual Property: Patent Archives (This site contains summaries of recent patent cases as well as links to the cases themselves.)

U.S. Supreme Court Patent Cases: Markman (This site contains an article relating to the Markman case that was written by Randy Lipsitz and Douglas P. Dreyer.)

PATENT AND TRADEMARK LAW: 'Markman' Issues Ready for Supreme Court Review (This site contains an article written by Robert C.Scheinfeld.)

A "New Era" in Patent Law? (This site contains an article from Intellectual Property Magazine written by Dan Goodin.)

Analysis of Hilton Davis and Markman (This site contains an article written by Gary M. Hoffman and John A. Wasleff that reviews two recent patent law cases.)

Lyon & Lyon LLP - Supreme Court in Markman v. Westview Instruments (This site contains an article on the Markman case written by William C. Steffin and Victor de Gyarfas.)

CASRIP Newsletter (V2I2) United States (This site contains an article on the Markman case written by Donald S.Chisum.)

35 U.S.C. Title 35 - Patents (01/16/96) (This site contains the text to the U.S. Code that deals with patents.)

US Patent and Trademark Office Home Page

Markman v. Westview (This site contains the full text of the Supreme Court's opinion in the Markman case.)

A GOOD TIME. When Should Claim Interpretation Occur? (This site contains an article written from the San Francisco and Los Angeles Daily Journal by Morgan W. Tovey and Adeline J. Hilgard.)

Intellectual Property Bulletin - Markman Decision (This site contains an article written for Schwegman, Lundberg, Woessner, & Kluth, P.A.)

High court says judges should decide patent issues (This site contains an article dealing with the decision in Markman.)

IBM Patent Server Home Page (This site allows one to search the U.S. Patent Office for patents that have been granted over the past 26 years.)

Patents (This site contains links to other sites on the Internet dealing with the topic of patents.)

Patent Law (BitLaw) (This site discusses patent law in the United States.)

The Patent (This site contains links to other web pages that deal with patent law issues.)

UCSD Science and Engineering Library - Patents (This site contains links to other web pages that deal with patent law issues.)

Patent Resources Group, Inc. (This site is the home page for the Patent Resources Group, Inc. which offers educational programs dealing with patent law.)

U.S. Patent Act - Overview (This site contains the provisions of the U.S. Code that deal specifically with the Patent Act.)

Internet Patent News Services (This site provides subscription information to the Internet Patent News Service. The Service provides daily news stories and topics dealing with the world of patent law.)

U.S. Patents: A Introduction (This site provides links to other pages that contain information on patent, copyright, and trademark law.)

Oppedahl & Larson Patent Law Web Server (This site, which is run by the law firm of Oppedahl & Larson, provides general information dealing with patent law.)

If you know of additional sites that should be included in the above list of "Related Browsing," please e-mail the Journal at:

Copyright 1999 Richmond Journal of Law & Technology