Volume VI, Issue 2, Fall 1999

Related Browsing for:

A Unified Approach To Cyber-Libel: Defamation On The Internet, A Suggested Approach.

by Barry J. Waldman

Related Browsing provides the readers with other web pages that may be of interest.

http://www-cse.stanford.edu/class/cs201/current/Projects/defamation-and-the-internet/index2.html "DEFAMATION on the Internet." This is a Stanford University website. It has a libel section for Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

http://online.guardian.co.uk/paper/895743309-21netlibel.html Thie website contains the first Internet libel suit in the UK.

http://www.epic.org/free_speech/cubby_v_compuserve.txt This site contains the text of Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe Inc., which is discussed in the article.

http://www.floridalawfirm.com/iplaw/compu2.html This website also contains the text of Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe, Inc., which is discussed in the article.

http://www.law.emory.edu/4circuit/nov97/971523.p.html This site contains the text of Zeran v. America Online, Inc., which is discussed in the article.

http://catalaw.com/logic/docs/jj-libel.html "The Legal Group for the Internet in Canada ("LoGIC")" published its paper entitled "To Shoot the Messenger? A Canadian Approach to Libel and the Online Service Provider."

http://www.runet.edu/~wkovarik/law/libel.html This site contains a nice overview, including excerpts from many cases, on libel, defamation, and communications law.

http://www.techweb.com/wire/news/1997/09/0912cyber.html "Seeking Jurisdiction In Cyberspace" - a Tech Web Technology News story.

http://zeus.bna.com/e-law/cases/zippo.html Electronic Commerce and Law Report (ECLR), the Zippo case.

http://zeus.bna.com/e-law/cases/telco.html Electronic Commerce and Law Report (ECLR), the TELCO case.

http://www.cli.org/ Cyberspace Law Institute's homepage.

http://www.cli.org/DPost/jcases.html This site contains a short excerpt on the EDIAS case, as well as many other "personal jurisdiction on the Internet" cases.

http://compuserve.com/gateway/default.asp CompuServe's homepage.

http://peylaw.virtualave.net/defamation.html This webpage contains articles on defamation and libel in cyberspace.

http://www.internetworld.com/print/1998/09/14/news/19980914-messageboard.html "Internet World" contains postings on the Yahoo Message Board throwing spotlight issues of heckling and libel.

http://www.ora.com/catalog/netlaw/index.html The book, "Net Law: How Lawyers Use the Internet can be purchased here," referenced in endnote 4 in the article, can be purchased on this page.

Copyright 1999 Richmond Journal of Law & Technology