Wilson Internet, Web Marketing Info Center (demographics of web users) <http://www.wilsonweb.com/webmarket/demograf.htm>.
ZD Net PC Computing, E-Commerce/E-Business (search page for various computing issues) <http://www.zdnet.com/pccomp/stories/all/> .
US Department of Commerce, Busniness to Business E-Commerce Survey (Electronic Commerce Agenda 2000) <>.
United States Government Electronic Commerce Policy, Understanding the Digital Economy (Presidential budget proposal for strengthening manufacturing in the 21st century) <http://www.ecommerce.gov/>.
University of Richmond Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Virus Resource Links (general information on computer viruses) <http://www.cs.urich.edu/~barnett/Informatics/viruses.html>.
Net Academy on Media Management, Electronic Contracting (editorial on electronic contracting) <http://www.mediamanagement.org/netacademy/publications.nsf/all_print_pk/1149>.
CyberSpace Committee Home Page, Electronic Contracting Resource Pages (ABA CLE E-Contract) <http://www.newlaw.com/site/e-contract.htm>.
Committee on the Law of Commerce in Cyberspace, Subcommittee Highlights (interactive publication of articles on law in commerce issues) <http://www.esqwired.com/clcc/commhighlts.html>.
Legislative Initiatives in the US, Comprehensive Statute for Electronic Commerce (first draft of the NCCUSL Electronic Transactions Act) <http://www.webcom.com/%7Epjones/2b.html>.
Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Consumer Protection and Electronic Commerce (issues of consumer protection as it pertains to electronic commerce) <http://www.law.ualberta.ca/alri/ulc/current/ecp.htm>.
Juris Diction IT Knowledge, Electonic Commerce and the Law (links to various e-commerce articles and laws) <http://www.jurisdiction.com/ecom.htm>.
Positive Attributes of Article 2B, Prepared by Carlyle C. Ring, Jr. (Common rules are necessary for the Internet and e-commerce) <http://www.2bguide.com/docs/0199cr.html>.
Law Seminars, Electronic Commerce: On-line Commerce Issues (Electronic Commerce: Doing Business On-line) < http://www.batnet.com/oikoumene/ec_contracts.html>.
Bad Software, What to do When Software Fails (discussion of software and legal issues under U.C.C. Article 2B) <http://www.badsoftware.com/articles.htm>.
E-Commerce Times, Everything You Need to Know About Doing Business Online (electronic news for businesses engaged in e-commerce) <http://www.ecommercetimes.com/>.
Chicago Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology (ABA Project on Internet Jurisdiction) <http://www.kentlaw.edu/cyberlaw>.
ILPF, Internet Law and Policy Forum (compilation of legal information regarding e-commerce) <http://www.ilpf.org/>.
Perkins Coie LLP, Internet Case Digest (Jurisdiction on the Internet-European perspective on Cyberspace) <http://www.perkinscoie.com/aba/eufuris.htm>.
Journal of Information, Law and Technology, Topical Messages from Cyberspace (Conference Report on Uniform Commercial Law Information Colloquium, UN Headquarters) <http://www.law.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/98-3/happ.html#2>.
Cyberspace Law Institute, Comprehensive Statute for Electronic Commerce (information pertaining to global communications networks and online communities) <http://www.cli.org>.
Privacy Exchange, Conference Papers (Jurisdiction on the European Internet Convention) <http://www.privacyexchange.org/iss/confpapers/lindberg.html>.
American Bar Association Section on Business Law, Subcommittee on Law of Commerce in Cyberspace (supporting report for the Recommendation Committee) <http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/cyber/archive/finalres.html>.