Richmond Journa

l of Law &Technology

Volume VI, Issue 5, Spring 2000

METATAGS: Seeking to Evade User Detection and the Lanham Act

Terrell W. Mills

Related Browsing


Related Browsing provides the readers with other web pages that may be of interest. - How Metatags Can Infringe Trademarks Without A Trace by Jonathan Wilson. This article found in the Computer Law Strategist reports on the practical implications of metatag use on traditional Internet Law. - Court says Invisible Trademark Use May Constitute Infringement by Sandra Perelka. This article on the Weintraub, Genshla, and Sproul site focuses on the Playboy v. Calving Designer case. - Online reference regarding metatags. - Netlitigation: Internet Law: News Suits and Discussion. This Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak and Cohen law firm site discusses Oppedahl & Larson v. Advanced Concepts. - Cyber-Eye Website offers advice, links to free meta tag generator, foreign language search engines, etc. - This site discusses two types of metatags, offers background information on metatags and a tutorial on metatags. A related site offers resource pages on metatag information. - This site offers older lawsuits involving metatags in the media. - All About Trademarks by Gregory H. Guillot. This site offers general information about trademarks. - This is the United States Patent Office's website which offers general information on trademarks. - Trademark and Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: Online Demonstration. This site offers links to several trademark-related topics. - Metatags- what, where, when, why? This site offer more information on metatags. - Ninth Circuit Rules on Net Trademarks Registering Domain Name Doesn't Establish Priority by Brenda Sandburg. This article reports that the Ninth Circuit found that using someone's trademark as a "metatag" can constitute infringement. - This 1999 Conference for Law School Computing offers access to a metatag depository discussion. [Note: RealPlayer required to access the information]. - Legal Issues in Web Site Ecommerce by John Hoagland, Esquire. This article offers commentary on current e-commerce issues including metatag use. The general site also offers resource links. - Meta-tags What Are They? This site offers general definitions and instruction on metatags and other general Internet terminology. - This FindLaw cite offers links to Metatag cases and articles. - This Advanced Concepts lawsuit site offers copy of complaints in Oppedahl & Larson v. Advanced Concepts et al. and Playboy Ent. Inc. v. Calvin Designer Label et al. and other links.

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