For ten years, the Sedona Conference® has been working together with the Georgetown Advanced e-Discovery Institute to produce the finest e-Discovery education in the nation. To celebrate the ten year anniversary of this unique collaboration, the Sedona e-Discovery Cooperation Training Program will come to Georgetown on November 21 to host three concurrent sessions entitled “Cooperation in Practice.” Each session will feature a panel of experts, including state and federal judges, who will review and critique the performance of two teams assigned to negotiate the scope of discovery in an employment discrimination case.

The Sedona Conference® has requested permission to include a JOLT article as part of the materials used to familiarize the team participants and attendees with the case study and the practical tools for cooperative advocacy. The article requested was included in Vol. XVIII, Issue 3 , and titled Cooperation – What Is It and Why Do It? by Hon. David J. Waxse. 

The Sedona Conference® is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) research and educational institute dedicated to the advanced study of law and policy in the areas of antitrust law, complex litigation, and intellectual property rights.  The Sedona Conference’s mission is to drive the reasoned and just advancement of law and policy by stimulating ongoing dialogue amongst leaders of the bench and bar to achieve consensus on critical issues.

To learn more about the upcoming program, please visit

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