by Kevin Conneran, Associate Technical & Public Relations Editor


Google Glass is the future of computers (if you believe Google). Google envisions a world where instead of purchasing your prescription glasses from eyewear stores, you simply provide your prescription to Google and they will outfit your computer with your prescription.[1] Lately, however Goggle’s Glass-centric lifestyle has not been embraced by state legislatures and government agencies.


Recently Wyoming joined a growing number of states that have started looking into banning drivers from using Google Glass.[2] Wyoming Democratic State Senator Floyd Esquibel crafted a bill directed at accomplishing this goal.[3] He stated,” Common sense would tell you that you really don’t need to be looking at a little computer while driving.” Similar measures have been proposed in Delaware, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and West Virginia.[4]


Google Glass users have also had their fair share of hassles as society figures out how to handle this technological leap. In California, a woman received a ticket for operating a video display in front of the drivers head rest (Ca. Vehicle Code 27602).[5] She subsequently fought the ticket and ultimately won because there was not enough evidence to prove the device was on while the user was driving.[6]


In Ohio, a man was detained by Homeland Security officials for wearing Google Glass while in a movie theater.[7] Officials believed he was filming the movie through his Glass and interviewed him until they determined that he was not using the Glass for piracy.[8]


These are just some issues that have plagued Glass users, and Glass is still in its infancy. Once Glass is fully brought to market instances like this will only become more commonplace. States, government agencies, and businesses need to start planning now, so that they have established standards in place by the time Glass is as common as a Bluetooth.


[1]    See


[3]    Id.

[4]    Id.


[6]    Id.


[8]    Id.