The first exclusively online law review.

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China is Institutionalizing Data Privacy–Who Do We Want in Charge?

By Alexandra Hathaway Tillman

Think about how your digital footprint has grown since the pandemic began.


Have you used a restaurant delivery app?


Signed up for delivery groceries?


Done a little more online shopping than usual?


The internet has undoubtedly brought us greater convenience, but at a potentially dangerous cost that many do not fully understand. Each click of the “buy” button sends your data to a new place on the internet. And each new place your data is stored increases the chances of your data being leaked or exposed.[1]


In the US, several data privacy laws regulate specific sectors rather than a single, overarching data protection law.[2] The US argument for these weaker policies typically centers around the First Amendment and freedom of speech. The “code” of the internet, at its core, is inherently American[3]—open and First Amendment-centric—and any act to regulate the internet is seen as an attack on free speech, one of the many reasons US policymakers are hesitant to create an all-encompassing data privacy act.[4]


The White House released a report in June 2018 on “How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World”, but little has been done policy-wise to strengthen US data protection laws and regulations.[5]


The European Union (EU) has taken a broader approach, with data protection laws that cover all sectors in a comprehensive rather than piecemeal manner. In the EU, Data protection laws were enacted as early as 1995, with its strongest legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into effect in 2018. The GDPR made data protection a fundamental right that requires strong protections in all member states.[6]


China started small, passing legislation that protected user data in specific sectors as the US had done.[7] But in recent years, China has amped up its policymaking in this area, and has quickly developed broad, EU-style data privacy policies.[8]


But these laws differ greatly from the EU in what and how they protect users’ data.[9] These new laws allow individuals to take legal action against a company or organization that fails to protect their data, but not against the government when it fails to do so.[10] They also require “data sovereignty” or “data localization” in which any company wanting to do business in China must store its data in China.[11] This requirement comes with huge risks since China is known for its heavy surveillance and data collection; companies could very well find their data misused and leaked by the government.[12]


In other words, China’s policies force data to be stored within its borders, and will protect individuals in China from data intrusions by other private individuals and companies—but never from leaks or misuse by the government.


Certainly, the world is in need of strong data privacy laws in the digital age, but the Chinese model is not the answer. Its policies heavily limit not just the freedom of the internet, but who can be held responsible when data leaks and breaches occur.


If the US does not quickly bolster its data privacy policies, it will not only lose influence in the global conversation on data protection, but risk allowing an authoritarian regime (or a surveillance state?) to set the standard for where and how data is protected worldwide.


To keep the internet as open as it was created, the US must develop a strong data protection policy that covers all markets and sectors. Picking and choosing which sectors need data privacy, with a breach in hindsight,[13] is not enough.


As the US falls behind in data privacy policy, it gives countries like China the opportunity to lead. In the midst of a pandemic, we are sharing information online more than ever. Whose policies do we want controlling the future of the internet and our privacy?


[1] See Have I Been Pwned? (showing the number of recorded websites and accounts that have been the subject of data breaches.

[2] Emmanuel Pernot-Leplay, Data Privacy Law in China: Comparison with the EU and U.S. Approaches (Updated on Sept. 27 2020),

[3] Lawrence Lessig, Code Version 2.0 33 (2006).

[4] Eugene Volokh, Freedom Of Speech, Information Privacy, and the Troubling Implications of a Right to Stop People from Speaking about You, 52 Stan. L. Rev., 1, 2 (2000)(stating that broader information privacy rules are not easily defensible under existing free speech law.)

[5]  White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World (June 2018).

[6] Emmanuel Pernot-Leplay, Data Privacy Law in China: Comparison with the EU and U.S. Approaches (Updated on Sept. 27 2020),

[7] Huizhong Wu, In land of big data, China sets individual privacy rights, Reuters, May 26, 2020.

[8] Id.

[9] Samm Sacks, New China Data Privacy Standard Looks More Far-Reaching than GDPR, CSIS, Jan. 29, 2018,

[10] Emmanuel Pernot-Leplay, Data Privacy Law in China: Comparison with the EU and U.S. Approaches (Updated on Sept. 27 2020),

[11] White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, How China’s Economic Aggression Threatens the Technologies and Intellectual Property of the United States and the World (June 2018).

[12] Emmanuel Pernot-Leplay, Data Privacy Law in China: Comparison with the EU and U.S. Approaches (Updated on Sept. 27 2020),

[13] Lydia Beyoud and Daniel R. Stoller, Equifax Target of Data-Breach Bill Allowing Consumer Lawsuits, Bloomberg Law, Aug. 15, 2019,

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Was Google Caught With its Hand in The Cookie Jar?

By Walker Upchurch


On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, shockwaves were felt throughout the tech law community as the tech hegemon Google had an antitrust suit brought against it by the Justice Department.[1] The states of Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, and Texas also joined the suit.[2] The suit alleges that Google had abused its dominance in online search and advertising.[3]


The suit further alleges that Google violates section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2. The Act states: “Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court.”[4]The Department of Justice alleges that Google violates this statute as it has unlawfully maintained monopolies in the markets for general search services, search advertising, and general search text advertising through anticompetitive and exclusionary practices.[5]


The case has been filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., and it alleged that google uses money that has been collected from advertisers to payphone manufacturers, such as Apple, for a monopoly. Examples of this look to the average person in practice is how the Iphone’s search from the Safari Application is a google search; the android employs a Google search, and so does the Galaxy s10.[6] Likewise, all Apple products, such as the Macbook, use Google as the primary search engine on their default Safari Browser.[7]


Likewise, Google’s revenue-sharing agreements with Apple and its other partners will likely be a significant issue as it significantly limits competition.[8] Additionally, the case will hinge on the ideology that General Search Services is a Relevant Antitrust Market.[9] The Department of Justice argues that Google has monopoly power within the general search service market. Additionally, through these exclusionary agreements, the suit alleges that Google has harmed the competition by substantially foreclosing competition in general search services by impeading other potential distribution paths for general search service rivals.[10]


It will be quite interesting to see how the antitrust suit will affect Silicon Valley. Companies like Oracle, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook will be watching with bated breath and there are certainly no shortage of new players within the tech space praying for the downfall of these giants. This will most likely be the most important lawsuit as it relates to how we the American people consume our technology that has taken place thus far. While it seems like this suit will be on a crash course with the Supreme court, it will be an extremely important one to watch. Will the behemoth still stand, or will it be picked apart the same way that Standard Oil was? Time will tell, and the American consumer will feel the repercussions.


[1] See Michael Balsamo & Marcy Gordon, Justice Dept. files landmark antitrust case against Google, (Oct. 23, 2020, 10:03 A.M.),

[2] See Id.

[3] See Id.

[4] Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, 15 U.S.C. § 2.

[5] See Complaint at 2, Department of Justice Et. Al. v. Google LLC, No. 03010 (D. D. C. filed Oct. 20, 2020).

[6] See Id at 16.

[7] See Id.

[8] See Id. at 25.

[9] See Id. at 28.

[10]See id. at 55.

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Small Businesses & Artificial Intelligence

By Logan Childress


Unless you are living off the grid, you likely use, or at least encounter, artificial intelligence (“AI”) daily, whether you realize it or not.[1] A 2017 global survey revealed that only “34 percent of respondents thought they had directly experienced AI; however, when asked about the technologies in their lives, the survey found 84 percent actually use at least one AI-powered service or device – such as virtual home assistants, intelligent chatbots, or predictive product suggestions.”[2] And, like our personal lives, AI is dramatically impacting how businesses of all sizes operate.[3]


Traditionally, AI is thought to be reserved for large, wealthy corporations.[4] But, thanks to its rapid innovation, AI is available to nearly everyone and every business.[5] At this point, AI is developed for nearly every task and offers benefits including: Reduced time spent on tasks, lower costs, increasing results, improving flexibility and responsiveness, and reducing risk.[6]


What does this all mean for small business owners? How can AI help make a small business more efficient? Microsoft offers this helpful example:


Imagine you own a florist shop, which also has a website [paired with AI]. If a customer searches your site for “red flowers,” you [can] teach your website how to respond. You can train it to show the customer roses, tulips, and Gerbera daisies. What if it’s the holidays? You could tell it in November or December to also show your customers Poinsettias, Christmas cacti, and Christmas Lilies. You could also teach it to show the customer that you make custom Christmas wreaths.[7]


In this way, AI allows small businesses to become more efficient by learning how to lead customers to what they want, making interactions and transactions simpler. But, all of these benefits are not just confined to florists, any small business owner can implement AI to help with:


  1. Email marketing. As mentioned above, there is AI for nearly every task. And, every small business owner knows it is difficult to stay on top of sending emails to customers. Thankfully, AI can solve that issue by collecting data.[8] This data allows AI to (a) optimize send times to maximize engagement, (b) learn buying behaviors to send relevant products and services to customers, (c) increase personalization, (d) optimize the email subject line, and (e) create engaging content.[9]
  2. Cybersecurity. Even low tech-businesses could be at risk of digital threats.[10] AI powered cybersecurity actively looks for unusual activity instead of waiting until after a loss to deal with the threat.[11] This feature helps save small businesses from the heartache of a security breach.
  3. Engaging with customers. AI can further help customers by: (1) giving them help after hours and provide help 24/7, (2) talking to them, and (3) answering common questions.[12] This kind of AI is normally called a “chatbot.”[13]


Ultimately, AI is here to stay.[14] The good news is that it is accessible to any business and will give small businesses the ability to operate and compete more efficiently.[15] You know the saying… If you can’t beat them, join them!


[1] Nicole Walters, How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Small Businesses, Bplans (July 24, 2018),

[2] Press Release, Pegasystems Inc., New Research Reveals Deep Confusion About Artificial Intelligence: Global Consumer Study Shows Hesitancy to Use AI Technology Even Though Most Unwittingly Already Are (Apr. 4, 2017),

[3] Nicole Walters, How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Small Businesses, Bplans (July 24, 2018),

[4] See id.

[5] See Prajwal Paudyal, Cheaper AI, Electricity, and the New Data Scientist, towards data science (May 8, 2019),

[6] Chad Otar, Four Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help Your Small Business, Forbes (Apr. 9, 2019, 8:00 AM),

[7] Lisa Steinmann, How to Use AI for Small Business, Microsoft (Oct. 23, 2019),

[8] See Josh Biggs, Ways Big Data And AI Are Changing Email Marketing, Meldium (Mar. 12, 2019),

[9] Josh Biggs, Ways Big Data And AI Are Changing Email Marketing, Meldium (Mar. 12, 2019),

[10] Lisa Steinmann, How to Use AI for Small Business, Microsoft (Oct. 23, 2019),

[11] Id.

[12] Id.

[13] Adrienne Morgan, What is a Chatbot?, (Sept. 29, 2020),

[14] Nikolas Kairnios, AI Is Here to Stay – Here’s Why, Towards AI (May 22, 2020),

[15] Nicole Walters, How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Small Businesses, Bplans (July 24, 2018),

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Disparities in eLearning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Peyton Reed


When the world shut down in March, supplies began to sell out fast. Toilet paper, cleaning products, and office supplies quickly became scarce.[1] As families attempted to transition to working and learning from home, they were met with a harsh reality—public schools were grossly under-prepared for the transition to distance learning. Some districts reacted quickly, making bulk purchases of iPads and Chromebooks.[2] However, school districts in less affluent areas were at a distinct disadvantage.


The upfront cost of purchasing enough devices for each student to use at home is tens of millions of dollars.[3] School districts with deep pockets were able to shell out the money for their students. However, for low income school districts, buying a device for each of their students would eat up a huge chunk of their budget, if not the whole thing. School districts who had the cash on hand were able to purchase laptops in early 2020. School districts who did not have the ability to purchase devices had to wait for grants and COVID relief money.


From March to June, Chromebook sales rose 124%.[4] The increased demand for Chromebooks and other affordable laptops created an inevitable shortage.[5] Although we are well into October, hundreds of thousands of students across the United States are still waiting for Chromebooks to arrive.[6] This is particularly alarming for students since truancy laws are still being enforced in many states.[7] This fear is not unfounded. For example, Grace, a teenager from Michigan, was sent to juvenile detention in May for not completing her online schoolwork.[8]


Another big issue for students in disadvantaged areas is a lack of accessibility to Wi-Fi. School districts have scrambled to find solutions for students who cannot connect to the internet. A recent study by Common Sense Media details the severity of the gap in technology access.[9] Approximately 15 million students and 300,000 teachers across the United States do not have access to a stable Wi-Fi connection.


Some school districts have attempted to correct this inequity by creating hotspots in school buses. [10] This allows students at home to access Wi-Fi when they otherwise could not.[11] However, these Wi-Fi buses have some limitations. Most of the buses can only serve about 40 students at a time.[12] Additionally, some students might be on the outer limits of the Wi-Fi’s reach and need to move closer to the Wi-Fi for a good connection.[13] This could force some students to sit outside or in their cars (their parent’s car) to complete their schoolwork. Additionally, these buses operate on limited hours. The school buses are generally only available during hours of e-learning, between 8am and 2pm.[14] With this limited schedule, students who are given homework that requires access to Wi-Fi are met with the undue burden of finding other ways to complete it, or not completing it at all. For example, one student in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School district was still unable to access Wi-Fi five weeks into the school year, and in turn has not been able to complete any class work all year.[15]


Fortunately, some internet companies are offering free trials for low income students and waiving installation fees.[16]After the trial ends, some companies are even offering discounted rates.[17] Regardless of school and corporations’ efforts, it is clear that low income students are severely disadvantaged in comparison to their peers that have access to adequate technology and stable Wi-Fi.


[1] Amanda Tarlton, 24 things that have been selling out online during the coronavirus pandemic, USA Today (Apr. 20, 2020),

[2] Tim Newcomb, Technology Shortage Hits Schools: As Remote Learning Jolts Demand for Chromebooks and iPads, Districts Warn Communities’ Needed Supplies Could Take Months, The 74 Million (Apr. 21, 2020),

[3] U.S. schools face shortage of laptops crucial for online learning amid pandemic, CBS News (Aug. 24, 2020),

[4] Iein Valdez, — A blueprint to build world-class apps and games for Chrome OS, Google Blog: Android Developers Blog (Aug. 12, 2020),

[5] CBS News, supra note 3.

[6] Id.

[7] KDE issues COVID-19 guidance on school ventilation and truancy, pupil transportation revised, Kentucky Teacher (Sept. 20, 2020),

[8] Jodi S. Cohen, A Teenager Didn’t Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention., Pro Publica (July 14, 2020),

[9] K–12 Student Digital Divide Much Larger Than Previously Estimated and Affects Teachers, Too, New Analysis Shows, Common Sense Media(June 29, 2020),

[10] Megan Sims, Wi-Fi buses and beyond: How schools are creating internet hotspots for students in the era of remote learning, Yahoo! Sports (Sept. 20, 2020),–fOO-M6pCucYW301bYfhozXicqu99

[11] Id.

[12] Lex Gray, ‘Smart Buses’ roll WiFi to students without access, KXAN (Oct. 12, 2020),

[13] Alaa Elassar, Austin school district deployed over 100 school buses equipped with WiFi for students without internet access, CNN (Apr. 14, 2020),

[14] Id.

[15] Caroline Hicks, High schooler unable to access internet with CMS hot spot five weeks into school year, WBTV (Sept. 18, 2020),

[16] Joyeeta Biswas, Comcast, AT&T, Sprint offering free or low-cost internet for students amid COVID-19 crisis, ABC 30 (Apr. 9, 2020),

[17] Id.

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Innovation in the Music Industry – How New Legislation Will Change Music Copyright Law

By Mike Marciano


In recent years, music streaming services have maintained strong and promising upward trajectories in terms of popularity and usage statistics.[1] For instance, Spotify, “the world’s biggest music streaming platform by number of subscribers,”[2]reported 286 million monthly active users in its Q1 2020 report, up significantly from the 217 million the company reported in its Q1 2019 report.[3] Such an increase in users has been relatively consistent, as Spotify reported its usership at 131 million in Q1 of 2017, and 96 million in Q1 of 2016.[4]


As the popularity of streaming platforms such as Spotify continued on such a consistently positive trend, it became abundantly clear that the copyright law protecting music needed reform.[5] Indeed, lawmakers considered it necessary to curate a law to, “reflect modern consumer preferences and technological developments in the music marketplace.”[6]


On October 11, 2018, the Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act (hereinafter “the MMA”) was enacted.[7] Broadly speaking, the MMA, “updates U.S. copyright law to make music licensing fairer for creators and more efficient for music providers.”[8] While the MMA provides redress for various important music copyright issues, such as the incorporation of pre-1972 sound recordings into the federal copyright system,[9] and the streamlined allocation of royalties to music producers,[10] the MMA importantly creates an entirely new framework for licensing music distributed on streaming services like Spotify.[11]


Specifically, the MMA begins with Title I: Musical Works Modernization Act.[12] Title I, “replaces the existing song-by-song compulsory licensing structure for making and distributing musical works with a blanket licensing system for digital music providers,”[13] such as Spotify, “to make and distribute digital phonorecord deliveries . . . .”[14] To make such a marked change, the MMA establishes the creation of the Mechanical Licensing Collective (hereinafter “the MLC”).[15] A nonprofit organization, one important purpose of the MLC will be to establish this blanket licensing system pursuant to the MMA, in part by playing the role of, “administer[ing] blanket mechanical licenses to eligible streaming and download services (digital service providers or DSPs) in the United States,”[16] starting in January of next year.[17] The MLC can then store user data in The MLC Portal, which, “puts songwriters and publishers in a position to manage and control their data to ensure they get paid properly.”[18] In short, after one has registered for one of these licenses, “[t]he MLC will then collect the royalties due under those licenses from the DSPs and pay songwriters, composers, lyricists, and music publishers.”[19]


The MMA was born out of a recognized need to remedy the chaos and arbitrariness that defined music law.[20] Virginia Representative Bob Goodlatte, in speaking about the MMA, noted that in taking a “comprehensive review” of copyright laws, “ . . . the most complicated area, and the most contentious, but also by far the most in need of reform, was the area of music copyright law.”[21] “The [MMA],” according to Rep. Goodlatte, “treats various sectors of the music industry – our creative artists and songwriters, and others – in a much more fair way in terms of sharing the rewards for the creativity that takes place in that industry.”[22]


This month, the MLC confirmed the location of its new headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, and expects to be operational in that location by the Spring of next year.[23] With the location set, and the new year around the corner, it will be interesting to see the effect of the MMA and the MLC on the music industry in the years to come.


[1] See Mansoor Iqbal, Spotify Usage and Revenue Statistics, Business of Apps (Oct. 2, 2020),

[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] See The Music Modernization Act, U.S. Copyright Off.,

[6] Id.

[7] Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act, Pub. L. No. 115-264, 132 Stat. 3676 (2018).

[8] U.S. Copyright Office, The Music Modernization Act in 2 Minutes, YouTube (Apr. 13, 2020),

[9] See Classics Protection and Access Act, U.S. Copyright Off.,

[10] See Allocation for Music Producers, U.S. Copyright Off.,

[11] See Musical Works Modernization Act, U.S. Copyright Off.,

[12] U.S. Copyright Off., supra note 5.

[13] U.S. Copyright Off., supra note 11.

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Mechanical Licensing Collective, About the MLC, The MLC,

[17] Id.

[18] Jessica Nicholson, Mechanical Licensing Collective Offers Early Look into the MLC Portal, Music Row (Sept. 30, 2020), (statement of Mechanical Licensing Collective CEO Kris Ahrend).

[19] Mechanical Licensing Collective, supra note 16.

[20] U.S. Copyright Office, The Creation of the Music Modernization Act, YouTube (Mar. 18, 2020) (Statement of Rep. Jerrold L. Nadler) (“Well, before the MMA, music law was chaotic, and arbitrary, arbitrary in the sense that it was unfair.”).

[21] Id. (statement of Rep. Bob Goodlatte).

[22] Id. (statement of Rep. Bob Goodlatte).

[23] Jessica Nicholson, The Mechanical Licensing Collective Sets Nashville Headquarters Location, Music Row (Oct. 6, 2020),

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Click Here to Vote: An Overview of the Impact of COVID-19 on Annual Shareholder Meetings

By Tristan Smith


While the world continues to reel from the continued impact of COVID-19, the corporate world has also had to make substantial adjustments in how individual corporations conduct business on both a day-to-day and long-term level.[1]  Although corporate work life may be in upheaval as a result of the pandemic, profit margins continue to flourish on Wall St., much to the delight of both c-suite executives and shareholders across industries.[2]  For corporations, the challenges in organizing and conducting in-person work present unique challenges when executives begin planning required annual shareholder meetings to discuss pertinent topics that require shareholder approval.  Recently, we have seen corporations introduce new models to conduct shareholder meetings in response to COVID-19; by analyzing these approaches, it will be possible for legal and business leaders to assess the viability of further changes to in-person meetings on the corporate level as the world hopefully begins to recover.


Prior to the pandemic, shareholder meetings were conducted based on a series of corporate policies, industry norms, and state and federal statutes.[3]  A shareholder meeting must be called on a regularly scheduled basis; if a shareholder meeting has not been held within a fifteen month timeframe, any shareholder who holds voting stock has the power to require the corporation to call an annual meeting.[4]  At the annual shareholder meeting, the only required matter of discussion is the election of new directors for the company; however, a number of other issues may also be raised for shareholder approval.[5]  Shareholders can either choose to vote in person or by sending a proxy to vote in their place to the shareholder meeting.[6]  One of the most important elements of the shareholder meeting is the need for the meeting to meet quorum in order for any votes to be taken.[7]  Under most statutes, a quorum is established when at least a majority of shares (50% plus one) is present, although the quorum requirement may be increased or decreased based on individual company’s bylaws.[8]


Because of both the importance and the requirement of annual shareholder meetings, corporations have had to adapt in a timely fashion to new models of gathering; indeed, prior to the pandemic, very few companies had any policies or guidelines for hosting virtual shareholder meetings in lieu of in-person gatherings.[9]  Generally, there have been three different models proposed to replace traditional all-in person meetings: 1) switching to a completely virtual meeting, 2) hold an in-person or hybrid form of an annual meeting, or 3) delay the annual meeting.[10]  For the option of switching to an entirely virtual format, corporations will need to review both the company’s charter and bylaws as well as the state law in which the company is incorporated.[11]  For the large number of companies incorporated in Delaware, the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL) grants the board authority to institute a virtual shareholder meeting in the place of an in-person gathering.[12] Additionally, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and North Carolina have issued either executive orders or passed emergency legislation permitting the implementation of virtual shareholder meetings during the state of emergency in their respective states or simply allowing for them with no definite end date.[13]  Several issues arise when converting to an all virtual setting, including selecting a service platform, coordinating presentations of shareholder proposals, and most importantly, determining how votes for directors and proposals will be collected before and during the meeting.[14]  The challenges for hybrid meetings include deciding what representatives from the c-suite and other executives will be physically present versus attending remotely, how to properly screen in-person attendees to ensure the safety of everyone present, and finding host buildings or locations that are equipped to conduct the shareholder meeting in a socially responsible manner.[15] Finally, for companies who choose to simply delay their annual meeting, it is important for them to consult the bylaws to ensure that they are not bound to hold the meeting on a specific day; if so, a bylaw amendment may be required to allow for a delay to take place.[16]


However, the decision to move shareholder meetings to a virtual format has not been without drawbacks.  Meetings on average are lasting seven minutes shorter when contrasted with in-person shareholder meetings conducted in 2019; while not a significant amount of time, the reduction has left shareholders with less time to pose questions to corporate executives before taking votes on important issues for the company.[17] Furthermore, only about 80% of United Kingdom companies were implementing electronic options for shareholders to be able to ask questions at all.[18]  These kind of restrictions continue to raise questions about the long-term viability of virtual meetings replacing in-person shareholder gatherings.


[1] Lynn S. Paine, COVID-19 is Rewriting the Rules of Corporate Governance, Harvard Business Review (Oct. 6, 2020),

[2] See generally Liz Hoffman, Goldman’s Pandemic Hot Streak Continues in Third Quarter, The Wall St. Journal ( last updated Oct. 14, 2020, 4:07 PM),; see generally Hugh Son, JPMorgan Beats Analysts’ Profit Estimate as the Bank Sets Aside Less for Loan Losses, CNBC ( last updated Oct. 13, 2020, 12:20 PM),

[3] Alan Palmiter et al., Business Organizations: A Contemporary Approach 400 (West Academic Publishing, 3RD ed. 2019).

[4] Id.

[5] Id.

[6]  Id. at 401.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Lynn S. Paine, COVID-19 is Rewriting the Rules of Corporate Governance, Harvard Business Review (Oct. 6, 2020),

[10] Holly Gregory Et al., Considerations for Annual Shareholder Meetings in the Time of COVID-19, Sidley-Austin LLP (April 8, 2020),

[11] Id.

[12] Del. Gen. Corp. Law § 211(a)(2) (2020).

[13] Gregory, supra note 11.

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] U.K. Regulator Finds Companies Often Mute Shareholders in Remote Meetings, The Wall Street Journal (October 7, 2020, 5:30 AM)

[18] Id.

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Oracle v. Google – Is It Possible to Steal APIs?

By Anna Hargett

The Supreme Court heard its first arguments since the death of Justice Ginsburg last month.[1] The Court appeared divided upon hearing the arguments of Oracle and Google regarding software code copyright.[2] The Court is expected to rule in June on this case,[3] which has been called the “copyright case of the century.”[4]

Oracle alleges that Google infringed upon Oracle’s copyright when Google used thousands of lines of Java code without a license.[5] When Google developed its Android smartphone platform, it used Java code, which is now owned by Oracle.[6] The Java code operates as an application programming interface (“API”) that provides integration across multiple programs that “speak” to Java programs.[7] Based on these facts, the court will decide if copyright protection extends to APIs.[8]

In 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled in favor of Oracle, holding that Google’s differing format of smartphone integration was not a significant transformation of the code and therefore could not fall under the “fair use” exception.[9] This ruling overturned a San Francisco jury’s finding that allowed Google’s usage of the code under the “fair use” exception.[10]

At argument, Oracle’s legal team harped on the specialization of the Java code, and defended claims by Google that the Java language merely acts as an organization system.[11] E. Joshua Rosencrantz, counsel for Oracle, defended the unique attributes of the code when Chief Justice Roberts analogized the language to the organization and description of a restaurant’s menu.[12] Rosencrantz replied by emphasizing that, “We fill in the blanks 30,000 times over,” and that “each item had its own description that no one else was using.”[13]

Google argued that the API language is not copyrightable.[14] However, counsel for Google focused more on the “fair use” exception, which Google argues would apply if the Court found that the language is protected.[15] The fair use exception would only apply in this case if Google proves that its use of Java was transformative in nature. [16] Google claims that since the code was used to create a new smartphone platform, it was significantly transformative.[17]However, Oracle views the platform change as infringement because it simply moves the same content into a different format.[18] Google also emphasized the fact that API use is commonplace in the industry, and that this method is the “only way” to accomplish this.[19] However, this did not sit well with Justice Gorsuch when he replied that other competitors such as Microsoft and Apple have been able to write their own languages.[20]

Both parties claim that ruling in favor of the opponent will stunt innovation.[21] If Oracle wins, Google claims that it will give software developers too much power by allowing copyrights by the giants in the industry and quelling competitors.[22] If the Court holds for Google’s fair use, or that APIs are not subject to copyright laws, then it will weaken copyright protections for computer programs and disincentivize innovation from that prospective.[23]

How will this decade-long legal battle end?[24] Based on the Justices’ questions, it seems that Oracle may have the upper hand.[25] However, the Court may decline to rule on API copyright altogether by ruling for Google on procedural grounds.[26] Either way, increased litigation in the software industry will likely ensue as a result.[27]

[1] Jan Wolfe & Andrew Chung, U.S. Supreme Court Divided Over Google Bid to End Oracle Copyright Suit, Reuters (Oct. 7, 2020, 6:04 AM),

[2] See id.

[3] Id.

[4] Adam Liptak, Supreme Court Hears Copyright Battle Between Oracle and Google, The New York Times (Oct. 7, 2020),

[5] Wolfe & Chung, supra, note 1.

[6] Ina Fried, 1 Big Thing: Supreme Court to Weigh Software’s Future, Axios Login (Axios, Arlington, V.A.), Oct. 6, 2020,

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Wolfe & Chung, supra, note 1.

[10] Liptak, supra, note 4.

[11] Id.

[12] Id.

[13] Id.

[14] Timothy B. Lee, Google’s Supreme Court Faceoff with Oracle Was a Disaster for Google, Ars Technica (Oct. 8, 2020, 11:00 AM),

[15] Id.; see 17 U.S.C. § 107 (2020).

[16] Wolfe & Chung, supra, note 1.

[17] Id.

[18] See Liptak, supra, note 4.

[19] Wolfe & Chung, supra, note 1.

[20] Id.

[21] Fried, supra, note 6.

[22] Lee, supra, note 14.

[23] Id.

[24] See Wolfe & Chung, supra, note 1.

[25] See Lee, supra, note 14.

[26] See id.

[27] Id.

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Telemedicine, Controlled Substances, and the Pandemic: How a Public Health Emergency Can Further Contribute to Inequalities in Healthcare

By Emma Phillips

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the American healthcare field in many ways, one being the rise in popularity of telemedicine.  Some of the first examples of modern telemedicine came about in the 1950s and 1960s, when a “closed-circuit television link was established between the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute and Norfolk State Hospital for psychiatric consultations.”[1]  It became a way to link mental professionals across great distances, aiding in their ability to consult psychiatric patients from afar without needing to see and diagnose patients in person.  More recently, even before the Covid pandemic, telemedicine has become popularized through the internet.  Telephone and video appointments with doctors have increased dramatically over the few decades.  Regardless, up until the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, in-person doctor’s visits were still largely regarded as the norm.

One of the reasons that this is the case is the Controlled Substances Act.  Under 21 U.S.C. 829(e), telemedicine conferences are generally not sufficient mediums through which doctors can prescribe controlled substances to their patients- an in-person consultation is required instead.[2]  The intent behind this was clear; the legislature wanted to insure the accuracy of prescription of controlled substances through in-person evaluations, since these substances carry risk of abuse.  Since medical professionals found in-person evaluations to be the most accurate assessment of whether they should prescribe these medications, this provision was written into law.

But the Controlled Substances Act does state instances in which there may be exceptions to this provision, one of which is illustrated in 21 U.S.C. § 802(54)(D).[3] This provision allows that, in the case of a national public health emergency (which is designated under 42 U.S.C. § 247(d)[4]), schedule II-schedule V substances, which include, but are not limited to oxycodone, methadone, and morphine.[5]

The Covid pandemic triggered this exception; in January of 2020, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services issued a Public Emergency Declaration, and the DEA updated its website announcing the change to the telemedicine prescription policy.[6]  The statement stated that this change would be in effect for the duration of the public health emergency, or essentially, the duration of the pandemic.[7]  Essentially, this exception allows the prescription of controlled substances so long as the prescription is issued for a legitimate medical purpose by a practitioner acting in the usual course of her professional practice, the telemedicine communication is conducted using an audio-visual, real-time, two-way interactive communication system,  and the practitioner is acting in accordance with applicable federal and state law.[8]

So what does this mean for the future of telemedicine, and how will this affect patients who depend on medication that qualifies as a controlled substance? A few glaring issues almost immediately come to mind.  First and foremost, 21 U.S.C. § 802(54)(D) contains a provision that allows the exception to be limited to “patients located in [certain] areas, and such controlled substances, as the Secretary, with the concurrence of the Attorney General, designates.”[9]  This essentially allows the for the unequal application of this exception; as time goes on, if restrictions continue to lift, only certain areas may be able to take advantage of it.[10]  Secondly, and more obviously, the fact that a video conference is necessary to obtain a prescription or a refill disproportionately affects lower income communities, who may not have consistent access to internet or a webcam.  By forcing those in this position to choose between going without medication or risking exposure to the virus, the switch to telemedicine during pandemic times creates a massive disadvantage to an already vulnerable population, and this problem is not one that is easily solved.

Ultimately, the ability to prescribe controlled substances via telemedicine during the coronavirus pandemic does help to minimize the risk of infection with the virus to a large proportion of the population.  However, the way the law is structured also exposes many holes in its efficiency and allows for dramatically inequal application of the exception.  If this pandemic is to last much longer, the legislature should take a close look at how this section of the U.S. code can be made more accessible to all communities, and how they can improve upon it in the future, should they need to.

[1] Thomas S. Nesbitt, M.D., M.P.H., The Evolution of Telehealth: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? National Center for Biotechnology Information (2012)

[2] 21 U.S.C. § 829(e).

[3] 21 U.S.C. § 802(54)(D).

[4] 42 U.S.C. § 247(d).

[5] Controlled Substance Schedules (2020)

[6] Thomas Sullivan, DEA Allows Controlled Substance Prescriptions to Be Issued Via Telemedicine (Apr. 9, 2020)

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] 21 U.S.C. § 802(54)(D)(ii).

[10] Thomas Sullivan, DEA Allows Controlled Substance Prescriptions to Be Issued Via Telemedicine (Apr. 9, 2020)

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Email Encryption – Just Do It!

By Ken Kajihiro

Email Encryption – Just do it!  Email encryption is quick and easy to install, easy to use, and provides enhanced client confidentiality.  In fact, the American Bar Association states “a lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to the representation of a client.”[1]  Email encryption will help you ensure client confidentiality.

In 2017, the American Bar Association stated that email encryption may be warranted in some circumstances.[2]  However, in modern times, with COVID-19, cyberattacks have greatly increased, “amplifying the threat to individuals and organizations.”[3]  Thus, email encryption is highly recommended.

Not all law firms and offices have an information technology support department to set up email encryption; however, all law firms and offices have a duty to protect confidential client information.[4]  Inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure could include an intercepted email by someone other than the intended recipient.  Imagine the damage caused if a client’s tax return, medical records, or even credit card payment information were intercepted by an unauthorized party.  Now, imagine the damage caused if a client’s confidential settlement agreement, merger and acquisition information, or intellectual property were intercepted by an unauthorized party.  The damage would be immense.  Email encryption will mitigate the risk of an inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure.

So, what are the options?  Let’s start with the free options.  If your law firm or office uses a Gmail-based email, you have got it easy!  Mailvelope, FlowCrypt, and LockMagic are only a few of the many free Google Extensions for email encryption.[5]  If your law firm or office uses an Outlook-based email, you have got it almost as easy!  Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) or Azure Rights Management Services (RMS) are some of your choices.[6]  Although, these email encryption options are free, they get the job done![7]

Next, the paid options.  Many of the paid options are paid because they combine email encryption with a private email server for maximum client confidentiality.[8]  Paying for a private email server removes the free-email-provider business incentive of making money with your data.[9]  ProtonMail, HushMail, and CounterMail are only a few of the many paid options.[10]  How much do these paid options cost?  Not much.  ProtonMail Professional is approximately $7.00 per month.[11]  HushMail for Law is approximately $10.00 per month.[12]  CounterMail Premium is approximately $5.00 per month.[13]

Overall, between the free options and paying approximately $5.00 to $10.00 per month, email encryption is well worth the time and money to ensure client confidentiality.  Again, email encryption is quick and easy to install, easy to use, and provides enhanced client confidentiality.  Email Encryption – Just do it!

[1] Model Rules of Pro. Conduct r. 1.6(c) (Am. Bar Ass’n 2020).

[2] ABA Comm. on Ethics & Pro. Resp., Formal Op. 17-477, at 5 (2017).

[3] COVID-19 Exploited by Malicious Cyber Actors, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Apr. 8, 2020),

[4] See Model Rules of Pro. Conduct r. 1.6(c) (Am. Bar Ass’n 2020).

[5] Stephanie Faris, Use These 4 Chrome Plugins to Encrypt Your Gmail Messages, Help Desk Geeks (Sept. 1, 2019),

[6] Bryan Peace, How to Encrypt Email in Microsoft Outlook, Virtru (Aug. 14, 2019),

[7] For instructions on how to install and use these email encryption methods, conduct a YouTube search for that specific email encryption method.

[8] See Alexander Fox, Are Private Email Services Worth the Money?, Make Tech Easier (June 13, 2019),

[9] Free email providers, such as Google, are free because they scan your email for targeted advertising purposes, to which they use to show you a personalized advertisement; although Google does not sell your information to third-parties, these third-parties pay Google to show advertisements to Google users who are most likely to purchase the advertiser’s product.  Privacy Policy: Why You’re Seeing an Ad, Google, (last visited Oct. 6, 2020).

[10] Fox, supra note 8.

[11] Select Your ProtonMail Account Type, ProtonMail, (last visited Oct. 6, 2020).

[12] Email and Encryption in One Solution, HushMail,,btn_features (last visited Oct. 6, 2020).

[13] Services, CounterMail, (last visited Oct. 6, 2020).

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