The Sedona Conference® is hosting the 7th Annual “Staying Ahead of the e-discovery Curve Conference” from March 21 to 22, 2013 in San Diego, CA. This conference of approximately 200 attendees brings together a faculty of seasoned e-discovery litigators, in-house counsel and federal judges.
The Conference requested permission to include a JOLT article as part of the materials that are handed out for the panel on Technology Assisted Review (TAR). The article requested was included in Vol. XVII, Issue 3 , and titled Technology-Assisted Review in E-Discovery Can Be More Effective and More Efficient Than Exhaustive Manual Review by Maura R. Grossman and Gordon V. Cormack.
The Sedona Conference® is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) research and educational institute dedicated to the advanced study of law and policy in the areas of antitrust law, complex litigation, and intellectual property rights. The Sedona Conference’s mission is to drive the reasoned and just advancement of law and policy by stimulating ongoing dialogue amongst leaders of the bench and bar to achieve consensus on critical issues.