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Tag: law Enforcement

Google’s Geofencing Stance: an Ode to Apple in 2016

Google’s Geofencing Stance: an Ode to Apple in 2016

By Michael Mellon



In 2016 Apple faced off with the federal government, who had obtained an order to compel Apple to create software which would allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) to unlock a cellphone used by a suspected terrorist.[1]  The software was needed because Apple had recently redesigned its operating system, making it impossible for anyone to access information stored on one of their devices.[2]  The government maintained that the All Writs Act justified the compulsion because it “empower[s] judges to order that something be done, even if the legislative body (here, Congress) hasn’t officially said that it should be.”[3]  It further relied on a test established in United States v. New York Telephone Co. concerning the same.[4]  Apple was prepared to challenge this, but the issue became moot when the United States Attorney’s Office indicated it had found another means of entry into the phone.[5]  This situation may very well have been the inspiration for Google’s recent stance related to mobile devices.

Whose DNA is It Anyway? Legal Challenges that Arise from the Use of Genetic Genealogy in Criminal Investigations

Whose DNA is It Anyway? Legal Challenges that Arise from the Use of Genetic Genealogy in Criminal Investigations

By Kim Lo

Since 2018, law enforcement’s use of genetic genealogy to identify and apprehend suspects has been growing [2], especially in high profile cases like the Golden State Killer case and the recent University of Idaho student murders. However, it is not without its critics.

Watch Your Step: The Potential Use of Smart Concrete in Law Enforcement

Watch Your Step: The Potential Use of Smart Concrete in Law Enforcement

By Kathryn Threatt

In his podcast, The Justice Tech Download, Jason Tashea envisions a new and smart use for concrete: to collect data to identify perpetrators via gait analysis.[1]

Imagine. As you walk along your city’s sidewalks the sensors within its concrete track your steps and your gait. You pause just before someone bumps into you. That someone just rushed out of a convenience store. You notice a few characteristics about them as they pass by: hair color, height in comparison to your own, shade of clothing, and race/ethnicity. Your attention then turns to the convenience store owner who runs out of the store screaming, “Thief!” The alleged thief then sprints down the street and disappears before anyone stops them. The police take your statement and gather data from this smart sidewalk when they arrive.

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