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Tag: Samuel Naramore

Satellite States: China and America’s National Security in Space

Satellite States: China and America’s National Security in Space

By Samuel Naramore


Over sixty years ago, in April of 1961, the Soviet Union successfully left the terrestrial safety of Earth and entered outer space (“space”) for the first time.[1] The Soviets entering space initiated the Cold War’s Space Race, prompting the U.S. to devote extraordinary amounts of resources towards developing its space capabilities––to beat the Soviets to the Moon.[2] After reaching the Moon in 1969 as part of NASA’s Apollo program, the United States (“U.S.”) claimed the position as the World’s premier space power.[3]

Since the “Space Race” of the Cold War, the U.S. has led the world in public and private expenditure in space.[4] Even though direct spending on space initiatives by the U.S. government has waned under recent presidential administrations, compared to other space-faring nations, the U.S. still invests more in its space program than any other country.[5] This expenditure since 1961 helped the U.S. establish itself as the dominant presence in space and leading the world in technological advancements––many of which American citizens increasingly rely on.[6]

Can the Government Restrict Incitement Content on Social Media?

Can the Government Restrict Incitement Content on Social Media?

By Samuel Naramore

In November 2023, a District Court Judge in Colorado held that former President Trump had used his social media between 2020 and 2023 to incite lawless action.[1] With the 2024 election cycle looming, this judge’s ruling is incredibly timely. As social media’s attention turns towards the political discourse, the passion around contentious topics and groups will likely increase. It is critically important to understand what incitement to lawless action on social media is, to prevent future acts of political lawlessness like those on January 6, 2021.

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