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Tag: Sydney Coker

Technological Innovation and the Evolution of Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence

Technological Innovation and the Evolution of Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence

By Sydney Coker

Throughout the course of modern history, the Supreme Court and its interpretation of the Fourth Amendment have undergone continual scrutiny as the Justices continue to reinterpret the meaning of the Fourth Amendment in the context of technological advancement. The cases of Olmstead and Katz demonstrate the Court’s shift to a metaphysical understanding of search and seizure in the light of technological advancement and its introduction of the right to privacy.

Can Artificial Intelligence Platforms be Held Liable for Defamation?

Can Artificial Intelligence Platforms be Held Liable for Defamation?

By: Sydney Coker

On May 4, 2023, journalist Fred Riehl was conducting research on a lawsuit, The Second Amendment Foundation v. Robert Ferguson, using an artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT.[1] In his interaction with ChatGPT, Riehl provided the URL of a link to the complaint filed by The Second Amendment Foundation and asked ChatGPT to provide “a summary of the accusations in the complaint.”[2] In response, the chatbot produced a number of false allegations claimed to be made by the Second Amendment Foundation against Mark Walters, an individual who is neither a plaintiff nor defendant in the lawsuit.[3]

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