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Navigating Big Tech in Today’s Age of Antitrust Enforcement

Navigating Big Tech in Today’s Age of Antitrust Enforcement

By: Allen Masi

In the last year, the United States government has brought antitrust cases against multiple large technology companies.[1] Google, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft have all been under the lens of the federal government.[2] Experts have predicted that 2024 could be a very active year for antitrust enforcers.[3] It is clear that the U.S. government has been paying particular attention to these big technology companies recently. What does this mean for these technology companies and how could possible future action have an impact on consumers?

The Antitrust Concerns Within the Apple Ecosystem

The Antitrust Concerns Within the Apple Ecosystem

By Kaitlin Carroll

The US Department of Justice, along with 16 states, has recently filed a lawsuit against Apple for violating antitrust laws. Previous antitrust cases against Apple have pointed fingers at the high commission Apple receives on in-app purchases, restrictions on other developers’ music streaming apps, and attempts to fix prices on e-books.[1] Instead of pointing to one practice in particular, this lawsuit focuses more on the overall integration of Apple’s software and services across devices, and its refusal to allow the same seamless integration with non-Apple products.[2] The DOJ’s complaint states this abuse of power has led to Apple’s monopoly on the smartphone industry within the US.[3] While announcing the lawsuit during a press conference, Deputy AG Lisa Monaco stated that Apple’s tactics have “smothered an entire industry,” alleging that Apple limits third-party digital wallets, suppresses mobile cloud streaming services, blocks cross-platform messaging apps, and limits how well non-Apple smartwatches work with Apple devices.[4]

Being a monopoly in and of itself is not illegal, the issue arises when the monopoly is maintained using exclusionary methods, thereby stifling innovation and limiting consumer choice.[5] In this case, where is the line between a smart business strategy and an exclusionary practice? U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland says that Apple has gained their monopoly power not by innovating and making its own products better, but through making other products worse.[6]

One of the allegations, that Apple blocks cross-platform messaging, is in part referring to the “green bubble stigma” that many non-Apple users have felt.[7] Aside from the color, texting a non-Apple user also limits certain functions that iMessage users have come to rely on including high-quality photo sharing, message encryption, read receipts, typing indicators, and more.[8] The mobile phone industry as a whole has begun transitioning from the typical SMS (short message service) to RCS (rich communication services) which allows for better group messaging, high-resolution photo and video sharing, and message encryption.[9] After facing pressure from US and European regulators, Apple finally agreed to begin supporting RCS features for Android users—but the green bubbles will stay.[10]

The DOJ’s complaint also contends that by refusing to integrate software with non-Apple devices, Apple increases the “switching cost” that users face when trying to switch smartphones.[11] For example, the complaint states that since Apple Watches are exclusively compatible with iPhones, a customer with both an iPhone and Apple Watch might think twice before switching to an Android.[12]

Many of the exclusionary practices Apple is being accused of are reminiscent of the DOJ’s 1990 case against Microsoft.[13] There, the court found that Microsoft had invested significant resources in quashing competitors, including Apple. The DOJ asserts that the Microsoft ruling was pivotal in creating a healthier competition within the PC market and may have assisted Apple in reaching the success it has today.[14]

This case is expected to take years to resolve but ultimately the DOJ and others are hoping that this case fundamentally changes the way Apple does business in the US, and similarly to the Microsoft case, leads to healthier competition within the smartphone market.[15] Even with a ruling against Apple, the company would be expected to bounce back like Microsoft did after its lawsuit over twenty years ago.[16] For a company as strong as Apple, forcing them to play by the rules should only lead to more innovation and growth not only within the company but throughout the industry, which will then lead to more choices for consumers.




Image Source:

[1] See United States v. Apple, 791 F.3d 290 (2nd Cir. 2015); Arjun Kharpal, Apple hit with more than $1.95 billion EU antitrust fine over music streaming, CNBC (Mar. 4, 2024, 7:14 AM),,distribution%20of%20music%20streaming%20apps.

[2] Ben Thompson, United States v. Apple, Stratechery (Mar. 25, 2024),

[3] Id.

[4] Victoria Song, US v. Apple: everything you need to know, The Verge (Apr. 2, 2024, 7:00 AM),

[5]  Anticompetitive Practices, FTC (last visited Apr. 12, 2024),

[6] Cristiano Lima-Strong, Justice Department, states accuse Apple of holding a smartphone monopoly, The Washington Post, (Apr. 21, 2014, 4:57 PM),

[7] Bobby Allyn, ‘Green bubble shaming’ at play in DOJ suit against Apple, NPR (Mar. 28, 2024; 5:48 PM),

[8] Id.

[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] John Bergmayer, The DOJ Case Against Apple May Spur the Next Wave of Tech Innovation, Public Knowledge (Apr. 5, 2024),

[12] Id.

[13] Anshel Sag, Apple’s DOJ Lawsuit Was Inevitable And Will Forever, Forbes (Apr. 5, 2024, 12:01 PM),

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

Paper v. Paperless

Paper v. Paperless

By: Ashlyn Hilburn

The development of the internet has affected nearly every aspect of life. In the medical field, evolving technology not only led to an explosion of revolutionary treatments, but it also resulted in a change to how all medical records are kept. Electronic health records have received pushback from not only practitioners, but legal scholars as well.

Warning! The First Amendment Gives us a Right to Cause Addiction in Teens

Warning! The First Amendment Gives us a Right to Cause Addiction in Teens

By Garrett Handegan

On May 25, 2019, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) officially voted to include video game addiction, otherwise known as “gaming disorder,” as a behavioral addiction.[1] While the American Psychiatric Association says that the issue of video games being addictive is still being debated, they admit that early evidence shows not only are they addictive, but that they are potentially one of the most addicting technologies around.[2] Not only are they addictive, they are intentionally designed to be so.[3] The worry about children being addicted to video games is not unique to America, China’s growing concern over the issue has led them to limit the amount of time that children are allowed to play video games.[4]

Beyond Name, Image, Likeness: Voice Protection

Beyond Name, Image, Likeness: Voice Protection

By Jack Sherwood

Artificial Intelligence has been used in the music industry for decades. As early as 2004, AI audio modulation was introduced by Yamaha to synthesize melodic vocals.[1] Even in the 2010s, AI was used to enhance the audio of voice actors who no longer had the same vocal delivery, such as the likes of James Earl Jones.[2] 20 years later, AI has evolved from simply integrating and enhancing vocal audio to composing and producing an entire Drake song from a 250-word instruction text, one that Drake himself never touched.[3] While Drake’s label, UMG, immediately issued a copyright takedown of the AI track “Heart on My Sleeve”, the damage had already been done, with streams exceeding 7 million on Twitter alone. [4] In a world where an artist can be entirely mimicked by AI in a matter of minutes, how do we provide protection?

AI Attorneys – Why Bother Going to Law School?

AI Attorneys – Why Bother Going to Law School?

By: L. Michelle Ugalde


With the rapid advancement and integration of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) across all career fields, the fear of virtual replacement is becoming all the more omnipresent. But is this fear justified? For attorneys, the consensus is split. While all recognize that AI is undoubtedly entering the legal field, the divide is between those who are embracing this new incorporation, and those who reject it. It seems that as time progresses, the feelings of the latter are becoming stronger.

Joan Is Awful: A Petition for Federal Personality Rights Legislation

Joan Is Awful: A Petition for Federal Personality Rights Legislation

By Kathryn Threatt


In June of 2023, Netflix premiered season 6 of the beloved and haunting series, Black Mirror.[1] The star-filled first episode entitled, Joan Is Awful, is the tale of an everyday woman, Joan, whose life will soon be streamed by millions of viewers on the fictionalized version of Netflix, Streamberry. So, you might be wondering how such a thing happens. Well Joan, unbeknownst to her, signs away her personality rights.[2]

AI Benefits When Fashion Lacks Copyright Protections

AI Benefits When Fashion Lacks Copyright Protections

By Kaitlyn Dobbins

Generally, copyright protections do not protect much in the fashion industry.[1] Fashion designers can find copyright protections only for those elements of their work that are a separable pictorial, image, or graphic.[2] Essentially, if the work of art can be conceptually separable (independently recognized) from the piece of clothing, it can be protected.[3] Consequently, design elements like common patterns, common colors, or cuts of fabric will not be protected by copyright law.[4]

You Can’t Spell Agriculture Without AI

You Can’t Spell “Agriculture” Without “AI”

By Avery S. Younis

In a world of rapidly advancing technology, it is no surprise that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made a home for itself in the agriculture industry. While technology may be at the forefront of our minds, food still has a monopoly on our stomachs. The population has doubled since 1974—there are over 8 billion humans to feed on this planet.[1] With growing numbers of people and rising concerns about resources, we are faced with an efficiency dilemma: how do we increase agricultural production without straining our environment?

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